Guitar Lessons?



Ok, so he didn’t spell Garfunkel right, but he did get Led Zeppelin correct.

So what would the equivalent for “Cigar Box Guitar Lessons?”  Let us know in the comments.

Junk Pickin’ and Dumpster Diving for Cigar Box Guitar Parts


The art of the junkyard pick…

The beauty of rusty things…

These make up some of the most exciting parts of cigar box guitar building.  It’s not just about putting a stick through a box.  No, it can be a lot more, especially when you challenge yourself to use as many discarded materials as possible.

Ben Baker has spent a lot of time combing the junk shops and strange alleyways, looking for inspiration.  He’s written a great two-part series on junking and guitar building:

Gitty’s Guide to Junkin’ and Pickin’ for Cigar Box Guitar Building

The Fascinating World of Ed Stilley’s Guitars

In the pantheon of great guitar makers, Ed Stilley’s work stands alone like a castaway on its own musical island. Imperfect, bizarre and some even un-tunable to the modern equal temperament scale, his crudely made stringed instruments would make the most adventurous guitar collector shudder. Continue reading “The Fascinating World of Ed Stilley’s Guitars”