The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the well-known spiritual Kum-Ba-Ya.
This song was first written down in the 1920’s, down in the sea islands off of South Carolina, where it was one of the spirituals the former slaves would sing in their unique “Gullah” language/dialect. Later it became a favorite of the folk revival in the 1950’s and 60’s, being recorded by Pete Seeger and a number of other folk musicians.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on is presented by The Southbound String Company, the only strings specifically chosen and voiced for cigar box guitars. Be sure to check out our line of Open G GDG cigar box guitar string sets here!
Click this link or the image below to view the printable PDF: Kum-Ba-Ya Tablature for 3-string Cigar Box Guitars