The tablature in the PDF link below shows you how to play the melody and chords for the song Hallelujah, written and performed by Leonard Cohen. This is one of the best known of Cohen’s songs, and has been covered many times. It is one of the most hauntingly beautiful modern songs, and like many of the most powerful songs it has a quite simple melody line that is pretty easy to play on a cigar box guitar.
The printable tablature sheet linked below contains both the simple melody-only version as well as a more advanced version that includes some chords. You can also view the video below where Gitty shows you how to play it.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on is presented by The Southbound String Company, the only strings specifically chosen and voiced for cigar box guitars. Be sure to check out our line of Open G GDG cigar box guitar string sets here!
We also have a video by Glenn Watt that shows you how to read and play this style of 3-string CBG tablature: click here to view it!
Click this link or the image below to view the printable PDF:
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen – Tablature for 3-string Cigar Box Guitars

I’m sure it could David! Unfortunately we do not have a tab or how-to lesson on playing it on a slide guitar at this time.
Can this song be played with an unfretted 3 string?
Hey there Alyssa!
I just added this for one-string Diatonic Canjos. You can find it here:
Can you do it for a one string?
We hope to be able to do a full video how-to for this song someday. Unfortunately for now, this is all we have!
Can you walk us through the fuller version? Sounds great!
Very simple and very nice. I enjoyed it, as I believe others will too.
Nicely done Ben.
That’s awesome Ben sounds great