Learn how to play O Come, All Ye Faithful on your 3-string cigar box guitar with the free tablature in this post. Continue reading “O Come, All Ye Faithful – 3-string Cigar Box Guitar Tablature”
O Come, All Ye Faithful 2-String G-Bass Tablature
In this post, you can learn how to play O Come, All Ye Faithful by downloading the free 2-string bass tablature. Continue reading “O Come, All Ye Faithful 2-String G-Bass Tablature”
O Holy Night 2-String G-Bass Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the bass line to O Holy Night on your 2-string bass guitar. Continue reading “O Holy Night 2-String G-Bass Tablature”
O Holy Night 3-string Cigar Box Guitar Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the classic Christmas song O Holy Night, written by Frenchmen Placide Cappeau and Adolphe Adam.
This tablature is arranged for 3-string Open G “GDG” tuning. Continue reading “O Holy Night 3-string Cigar Box Guitar Tablature”
O Holy Night 4-string Cigar Box Guitar Christmas Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the classic Christmas song O Holy Night, written by Frenchmen Placide Cappeau and Adolphe Adam.
This tablature is arranged for 4-string Open G “GDGB” tuning. Continue reading “O Holy Night 4-string Cigar Box Guitar Christmas Tablature”
Oh Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum) – 3-string Open G GDG – Cigar Box Guitar Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the classic Christmas song Oh Christmas Tree, known in its native Germany as O Tannenbaum.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on CigarBoxGuitar.com is presented by The Southbound String Company, the only strings specifically chosen and voiced for cigar box guitars. Be sure to check out our line of Open G GDG cigar box guitar string sets here!
If you need some help with this style of tablature, here’s a video where Glenn Watt shows you how to read it
Click this link or the image below to view the printable PDF: Oh Christmas Tree Cigar Box Guitar Tablature PDF
Oh My Darling, Clementine – Tab for Open G GDG Cigar Box Guitars

A well known Western Folk Ballad, Clementine was written in the late 1800s.
The roots of the catchy melody go back to Spanish Ballads that Mexican miners were fond of during the California Gold Rush.
Here we present to you tablature of the basic melody, as well as a slightly more advanced version intended for Cigar Box Guitars tuned to Open G (GDG).
This can also be applied to any of the other 1-5-1 tunings.
Oh My Darling, Clementine – Tablature for One-String Canjo
A well known Western Folk Ballad, Clementine was written in the late 1800s..
The roots of the catchy melody go back to Spanish Ballads that Mexican miners were fond of during the California Gold Rush.
Here we present to you a tablature intended for Diatonically fretted One-String Canjos. While we only have the first verse here, the same melody is played out through the entirety of the song.
3 3 3 0 5 5 5 3 In a cavern, in a canyon, 3 5 8 8 6 5 4 Excavating for a mine 4 5 6 6 5 4 5 3 Dwelt a miner forty niner, 3 5 4 0 2 4 3 And his daughter Clementine
Oh Susannah – 3-string Open G GDG – Cigar Box Guitar Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the early American folk song Oh Susannah, written by Stephen Foster in 1848.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on CigarBoxGuitar.com is presented by The Southbound String Company, the only strings specifically chosen and voiced for cigar box guitars. Be sure to check out our line of Open G GDG cigar box guitar string sets here!
If you need some help with this style of tablature, here’s a video where Glenn Watt shows you how to read it
Click this link or the image below to view the printable PDF: Oh Susannah Cigar Box Guitar Tablature

Oh When The Saints (Go Marching In) 2-String Bass Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the bass line for the classic spiritual popularized by American jazz musicians, “Oh When The Saints (Go Marching In)“. Continue reading “Oh When The Saints (Go Marching In) 2-String Bass Tablature”
Oh When the Saints Go Marching In – 3-string Open G GDG – Chords & Tablature for 3-string Cigar Box Guitars
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the well-known spiritual Oh When the Saints Go Marching In.
This song has been sung in churches for many years, and has also become a New Orleans Dixieland Jazz favorite. Louis Armstrong was the first to record it in 1938. It is a very simply arranged song with a simple, repetitive melody line, well-suited to playing on the cigar box guitar.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on CigarBoxGuitar.com is presented by The Southbound String Company, the only strings specifically chosen and voiced for cigar box guitars. Be sure to check out our line of Open G GDG cigar box guitar string sets here!
Click this link or the image below to view the printable PDF: Oh When the Saints Go Marching In – Tablature for 3-string Open G GDG Cigar Box Guitars

Okie From Muskogee by Merle Haggard – 3-string Cigar Box Guitar Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the melody and chords for the classic rock song Okie From Muskoee, written and performed by Merle Haggard. This tablature is arranged for 3-string Open G “GDG” tuning.

Click on the image above to download the printable PDF document.
All of the cigar box guitar tablature here on CigarBoxGuitar.com is presented by C. B. Gitty Crafter Supply, your one-stop shop for all things Cigar Box Guitar: Instruments, Kits, Parts, Gear & More.
If you need some help with this style of tablature, here’s a video where Glenn Watt shows you how to read it
Okie From Muskogee By Merle Haggard | 2-String Bass Tablature
The tablature in the PDF link below will show you exactly how to play the bass line for the classic country song “Okie From Muskogee“, by Merle Haggard. Continue reading “Okie From Muskogee By Merle Haggard | 2-String Bass Tablature”
Old Illustrations and Drawings
Here is a collection of old drawings, artwork and illustrations displaying cigar box guitars, fiddles and other handmade instruments. Thanks to John McNair of Red Dog Guitars for allowing us to repost many of these photos. John has spent years collecting historic images of homemade and handmade instruments, and we are honored that he has agreed to let us host them here.
Old Newspaper Clippings
A collection of newspaper clippings that mention homemade or handmade instruments in some way.
On The Road Again By Willie Nelson 2-String G-Bass Tablature
Learn how to play On The Road Again on your 2-string bass with the free tablature in this post. Continue reading “On The Road Again By Willie Nelson 2-String G-Bass Tablature”