Learn how to play Runaround Sue on your 3-string cigar box guitar with the free tablature in this post.
Runaround Sue is a pop-rock, doo-wop classic, written by Dion Dimucci and Ernie Maresca.
Dion, the single name Dimucci went by as a performing artist, recorded Runaround Sue in 1961, which became a number one hit in the U. S.
Although her name was Susan, Dion originally denied any connection between the song, which tells the story of an unfaithful partner, and his wife.
Years later, he admitted there actually was.
In either case, the song remains a favorite amongst doo-wop, po-rock lovers.
Now you can learn how to play Runaround Sue on your 3-string cigar box guitar with the free tablature in this post.
Simply click on the image below to download the tab.
If you’d like a little help reading tablature, watch this short video tutorial.