The Little Old Canjo Lady

In my latest blog post over on, I write about a recent surprise visitor to C. B. Gitty Headquarters, and how her simple story helped remind me of the importance of the work we do building cigar box guitars, canjos and kits so folks all around the world can build their own and make music on them.

In the day-to-day bustle of running a business, it’s easy to sometimes forget what the true mission is, and in this case it took a little old lady with a canjo to remind me. Read the full blog here.

Final Two Parts of Canjo Video Series Posted

IMG_8350_2Parts 3 and 4 of the video series “The Essential Canjo” by C. B. Gitty have just been posted here on

These videos dig into the nitty gritty of how to play the canjo: Part 3 shows you tuning and tablature reading, and then moves into playing a couple of songs (Camptown Races and When the Saints Go Marching In) from tablature available on this site. Part 4 then moves into some more advanced playing techniques that you can use to spice up your canjo playing: hammer-ons, pull-offs, vibrato, tremolo and the like.

By the time you’ve finished watching all four of these videos, you should be well on your way to mastery of the canjo!

The Essential Canjo – Part 3 – How to Play, Tune & Read Tablature

The Essential Canjo – Part 4 – Advanced Playing Techniques

Second Part of Canjo Video Series Added

The second part of C. B. Gitty’s video series “The Essential Canjo” has just been added to the Canjos & Diddleybows section of the knowledgebase here on In this installment, Gitty walks you through the anatomy of a canjo – the various parts and how they are put together, the fretting style, discussion of the “blue note” and more. A number of diagrams and explanatory notes help illustrate the points Gitty is making in the video.

Stay tuned for parts 3 and 4 to be posted in the near future, which will cover tuning, reading tablature, playing simple songs, and making use of more advanced playing techniques.

Check out the Knowledgebase Post for more info and to view the video!

New Video: The Essential Canjo – Part 1

61-013-29 Image 1We’ve just added a new post to the Canjos & Diddleybows section of the knowledgebase here on The subject is Part One of a 4-part video series by C. B. Gitty on the instrument known as the Canjo. If you have ever wanted to know about these fun little instruments, this video series is for you!

Check out the Knowledgebase Post for more info and to view the video!